
Russian retailers skirt Apple’s export ban to sell the iPhone 16

Russian retailers have begun offering the iPhone 16 for pre-sale, despite Apple’s ongoing export ban to Russia. This ban was implemented following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, as part of broader sanctions by Western nations. Companies such as M.Video-Eldorado and MTS are selling the iPhone 16 at significantly higher prices than in the U.S., leveraging a parallel import system. For example, the base model (128GB) costs 112,999 roubles (about $1,225), more than $400 more than its US version. The iPhone Pro Max 1TB is available for pre-order for 249,999 roubles ($2,710).

This parallel import system involves passing products through non-sanctioned nations such as Turkey, China, and Kazakhstan. While Apple stopped sales and services in Russia, Russian consumers can still purchase new models through alternative channels, albeit at a higher cost. The Russian government has encouraged this technique to maintain popular imported goods flowing into the nation while encouraging more indigenous manufacture.

These outrageous costs are due to the complicated paths that the phones must traverse to reach Russia. Countries that have not sanctioned Russia, such as China, India, and the United Arab Emirates, serve as intermediaries, increasing the cost of the devices by the time they arrive on Russian stores. This strategy of “parallel imports” has become a popular workaround for many Western firms that have stopped selling directly in Russia.

Despite the increasing prices, the iPhone remains a sought-after product in Russia. Western technology and consumer products remain popular in the country, where they are regarded as status symbols. Russian consumers are willing to pay a premium for the latest Apple goods, even as the Kremlin pushes for increased use of domestically created technology.

Interestingly, this comes as the Russian government works to minimize its reliance on Western technology. The Kremlin has advised its personnel to cease using iPhones, claiming they have been hacked by Western spying services. However, Apple has disputed these allegations.


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