
Apple plans to utilize extensive historical records from leading news publishers to train its AI systems

Apple has been discussing partnering with news publishers to harness their content for training Apple's generative AI systems. Yet, publishers are worried about legal issues and uncertainties surrounding Apple's news and AI strategies.

Apple is diving into the world of AI in a big way, eyeing news archives as a valuable resource for training their AI systems. Reports suggest they’re in talks with big-league publishers, aiming for multi-year deals that could exceed $50 million. But the reactions from publishers are a mixed bag – while some see potential in partnering with Apple, others are wary about the vague details surrounding Apple’s plans, especially concerning legal responsibilities tied to their content.

Despite flying somewhat under the radar compared to rivals like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google, Apple’s AI endeavors are no small potatoes. They’re pouring hefty investments, reportedly shelling out millions each day on AI development. Lately, Apple’s been making moves, unveiling a machine learning framework tailored for Apple Silicon and tinkering to amp up language models’ performance on mobile devices.

And that’s not all. Rumor has it that Apple’s cooking up a beefed-up version of Siri and gearing up to drop AI-centric features in the next major iOS update. So, while they might not be as vocal about their AI strides, Apple’s definitely revving up their engine in the AI race.

Why does it matter?

Apple’s dive into AI puts them in direct competition with tech giants. They’re teaming up with news outlets, but they’re not the first. OpenAI’s already partnered with Associated Press and Axel Springer (the Politico parent company). Google’s also busy crafting AI tools for journalists. It’s a crowded arena, but Apple’s determined to make their mark. The collaboration between tech and news is heating up, and Apple’s entry might just be the push AI-powered journalism needs to go big.

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