
Sam Altman talks on “anxiety” related to artificial intelligence: “It is our responsibility to…”

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, suggests that society and technology should co-evolve and shows empathy for worries about AI systems like ChatGPT. According to Altman, artificial intelligence will enable people to make decisions at more abstract levels.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, expresses empathy for people who are concerned about ChatGPT and suggests that society and technology can advance together. Artificial intelligence, in Altman’s opinion, will allow humans to make more abstract decisions.

“I have a lot of empathy for the general nervousness and discomfort of the world towards companies like us,” Altman stated during his speech during the session. Although we are anxious ourselves, we think we can overcome it, and giving people control over the technology is the best way to do so.”

In Davos, the 38-year-old businessman also put up a potential remedy, stating: “Let society and technology co-evolve and sort of step by step with a very tight feedback loop and course correction, build these systems that deliver tremendous value while meeting safety requirements.”

Altman on how AI will impact future jobs:

In response to a question about how artificial intelligence would affect employment, Altman stated, “We will all function at a little higher level of abstraction. There will be far greater capability available to all of us. We will continue to make choices. Over time, they might become more curation-focused, but ultimately, we will decide what the world ought to accomplish.”

AI will get humans-like reasoning:

The chief executive of OpenAI also voiced hope that in the future, AI systems will be able to provide justification for their decisions, much like people do.

“I can’t look inside your head to understand why you’re thinking what you’re thinking,” Altman remarked. However, I can ask you to clarify your thinking so I can determine whether or not it makes sense.”I believe that the same thing will be possible for our AI systems. Even if we don’t delve into it to find every connection, they will be able to explain the steps from A to B to us in plain English, and we can then determine if we think those are good steps.” The top executive of OpenAI continued.(Source:livemint)


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